Tuesday, December 28, 2010

A Gospel Legend to Recieve Lifetime Achievement Grammy

I hope your Christmas was great!

I was just checking my email when I recieved an email from CCM Magazine. It featured an article about George Beverly Shea, who is known for touring with Billy Graham's Crusades as a soloist. He will be one of the reciepients of the Lifetime Achievement Grammy, along with other acts such as the Ramones and Dolly Parton (an impressive list I might say). Also, this win is significant because at 102 years old, Shea will be one of the oldest living persons to be honored with this award. He will recieve the Grammy in a separate ceremony, but it will be acknowledged during the broadcast on Feburary 13th.

Here's the link to the story. If I find any videos of Shea's performances, I'll post them at a later date.

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